Hyffo is a social media game that makes people answer controversial questions such as whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Hyffo is all about being binary. Yes or no, right or wrong, purple or yellow... check out the Hyffo game

Hyffo is inspired by the hippodrome (stadium). HYFF is also an acronym for “High Yield Fast Facts”, with an extra “O” for opinions. The game presents you with fast questions to answer by swiping.
The concept is derived from the experience of sitting in a stadium (hippodrome) having a heated conversation about which team had the best kit in 1979. The hippodrome tribune is visualised in the zigzag of the logo. The “H” is positioned above, representing the idea of standing up for your opinions, being loud, brash, & attention seeking. The “H’ makes itself heard by crying out to the crowd below. The letters are at an angle, to represent the bustling crowd.